Week 4


Definition: To add to; to increase; to make bigger

Sentence: Duchess' respect for Thomas o'malley augmented after he saved Marie's life.

Antonym: decrease

Antonym Sentence: After Snow White started living with the seven dwarfs, the amount of dust in their house decreased.


Definition: Smug; self-satisfied; pleased with oneself; contented to a fault

Sentence: Gaston is a very complacent person.

Antonym: concerned

Antonym Sentence: Tinkerbell was very concerned with the way she looked.


Definition: Cunning; duplicity

Sentence: Dr. Facilier cannot be trusted because he is so full of guile.

Antonym: sincerity

Antonym Sentence: With sincerity, the Fox and the Hound promised to be friends forever.


Definition: To waste

Sentence: Eric squandered the opportunity he had to kiss Ariel.

Antonym: Conserve

Antonym Sentence: There was no need to conserve water in the jungle.


Definition: Unceasing; never-ending

Sentence: Alice's problems seemed to be incessant.

Antonym: discontinuous

Antonym Sentence: Flick's life had a discontinuous nature.


Definition: Worthy of praise

Sentence: Hercules had many laudable achievements.

Antonym: Censurable

Antonym Sentence: Pinocchio acted in censurable ways.


Definition: To prevent; to stop; to keep from doing something

Sentence: Frollo deterred Quasimodo from experiencing the outside world.

Antonym: Persuade

antonym sentence: Kaa was able to persuade Mowgli.


definition: repetitive; unnecessary; excessively wordy

sentence: Cinderella was faced with redundant chores.

antonym: Undersupply

antonym sentence: Anita and Roger did not have an undersupply of dalmations.


definition: shamefully wicked; having (and deserving) an extremely bad reputation; disgraceful

sentence: Maleficent had an infamous reputation.

antonym: Honorable

antonym sentence: Shane had an honorable reputation as a warrior.


definition: exciting; attracting attention

sentence: Prince Ali made a very provocative entrance.

antonym: noninflammatory

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