Week 5


Definition: Moral corruption

Sentence: Ursula is full of utter depravity.

Antonym: Virtue

Antonym Sentence: Snow White is a woman of honor and virtue.


Definition: Seriousness (secondary meaning)

Sentence: Bambi could sense the gravity in his mother's tone of voice.

Antonym: Lightheartedness

Antonym Sentence: The aristocats lived in a lighthearted atmosphere


Definition: Unoriginal; ordinary

Sentence: Belle lived a banal life before she met the beast.

Antonym: Original

Antonym Sentence: Compared to the other puppies, Patch has an original personality.


Definition: To praise

Sentence: Lady was extolled for her good behavior.

Antonym: Reprimand

Antonym Sentence: When Ariel was fantasizing about the outside world, she sang, "Bet'cha on land they understand that they don't reprimand their daughters".


Definition: Pleasant sound

Sentence: There was a beautiful euphony to the music Duchess played.

Antonym: Cacophony

Antonym Sentence: there was a harsh cacophony to the way the wicked queen spoke.


Definition: To ridicule; to laugh at contemptuously

Sentence: Maleficent derided prince Phillip's efforts to save princess aurora.

Antonym: Approve

Antonym Sentence: Rapunzel's family approved of Flynn.


Definition: Dull; banal

Sentence: The food that Belle ate had anything but an insipid taste.


Antonym: Tasty

Antonym Sentence: The aristocats thought that "creme de la creme a la edgar" was very tasty.


Definition: Unadorned; stern; forbidding; without much money

Sentence: Princess Aurora lived an austere life in the forest.


Antonym: Gentle

Antonym Sentence: Cinderella has a gentle and loving nature.


Definition: To make faster or easier

Sentence: Simba wanted to expedite the process of him becoming king.

Antonym: Delay

Antonym Sentence: Tiana and Naveen's voyage was delayed because their tongues got tangled.


Definition: An opinion violently opposed to established beliefs

Sentence: Some may say that believing in magic is a heresy.

Antonym: Orthodoxy

Antonym Sentence: Jiminy Cricket was surprised by the orthodoxy of Pinocchio's statement.


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